What Solutions We
Best Offer


Basic Persona

The Basic Persona is based on a simplified Ocean Model Personality Type. It measures all the aspects of the Ocean Model based in terms of personality traits


Romantic Personality Persona

The Romantic Persona is the Basic Persona with the Persona in romantic relationships. It measures 2 aspects of your personality traits and how they act in different situations.


Advanced Persona

The advanced Persona includes the Basic, Romantic, and you can chose Business Persona or Friendship Persona which measures different facets of your personality alone, in romatic relationship, and at work


Fine Tuning

As humans we change and we grow, we will support you to reach the results you want.


Workshops & Tutorials

We will provide you with handson workshops and tutorials to help you use your persona and get the best out of it.


Personas for Life

Imagine how much you can save on Life coaching, date coaching, by just knowing yourself.

Hello, ChatGPT!

Do you recognize my personality?

sure I do

How can I manage stress knowing my personality?

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    Personas for Life

    Get Your Personality GPT Persona Now

    Save on self help, life coaching, date coaching. Improve your life by allowing AI know you as a person!